Chemical Exposure Considerations for Concrete Structures

Concrete structures play a vital role in our built environment, providing strength, durability, and longevity. However, when exposed to various chemicals, concrete can undergo deterioration, compromising its integrity over time. Understanding the effects of chemical exposure on concrete is crucial for ensuring the performance and safety of structures in industries such as manufacturing, wastewater treatment, and chemical processing.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere can react with concrete, reducing its passivating alkalinity. This process, known as carbonation, can lead to a decrease in the protective properties of concrete and increase the risk of corrosion of reinforcing steel. Proper measures, such as the use of suitable concrete mixes and protective coatings, should be implemented to mitigate the effects of carbonation.

Is your concrete structure facing the damaging effects of chemical exposure? Don’t wait for the deterioration to worsen. Take proactive steps to restore and protect your concrete now.


Structures exposed to marine environments or subjected to deicing salts are at risk of chloride-induced corrosion. Chlorides can penetrate concrete and accelerate the corrosion of reinforcing steel, leading to structural deterioration. It is crucial to select appropriate concrete mixes, use corrosion-inhibiting admixtures, and provide sufficient concrete cover to protect against chloride ingress.

Chemical Contact and Pollution:

Concrete structures may come into contact with various chemicals, either from industrial processes or atmospheric pollution. Industrial chemicals and pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), can cause chemical attacks on concrete surfaces. It is essential to select concrete mixes that are resistant to chemical attack and implement protective coatings or linings in areas where exposure to chemicals is expected.

Proper specification of concrete mixes, consideration of environmental conditions, and regular monitoring and maintenance are necessary to ensure the durability and resistance of concrete structures against chemical exposure.

Chemical exposure can wreak havoc on your concrete structures, but with the right restoration measures, you can reclaim their strength and durability. Our concrete restoration services are tailored to combat the effects of chemical exposure, providing long-lasting protection and peace of mind.

Other helpful resources:

Sika Canada, Starpatch concrete, Kryton, Mapei, W.R. Meadows are some of manufacturers of concrete and waterproofing systems. Please refer to their website for detailed information on their products and solutions for concrete repair and waterproofing.

International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI): The ICRI is a leading organization dedicated to advancing the concrete repair and restoration industry. Visit their website to access resources, training programs, and technical information related to concrete restoration.

Concrete Construction Magazine: Concrete Construction Magazine is a trusted source for information and insights on all aspects of concrete construction, including restoration. Explore their website for articles, guides, and project profiles that focus on concrete repair and restoration techniques.